Tag Archives: Water System

cutting board sanitizer uses UV system kill microbes by Chang Shin Gwak

What a great product it is! This microbes free kitchen thingies is the newest technology released for this modern era. This product is designed by Chang Shin Gwak. This product has ability to clean dishcloths and kitchen cutting boards. The way it works is by scrubbing it with an ordinary dish-soap. The next step is then boiling the dishcloth in soap and disinfectant water.

impressing Water weigh scale system using Archimedes principle 02.17.11

This impressing technology is called as water weighs. You may use precious and energy wasting metal in the construction for a scale.this water weigh has ability on creating water scale using Archimedes principle. This water weight is designed in a great way. This product has a unique working system where placing the object to weight on the scale plate. Then the object sinks into the water. The way the object… Read More »

Filters Water System for eco kitchen will save energy also money 11.07.10

How much water you usually buy every week? How do you really want to be able to clean tap water and put it in drinking water real? Well, that is now possible through the water filtration system developed jointly with IDEO Filtrete 3M s. Not only you will save more money in the long run by not buying gas or water as often.

Mediterranean minimalism kitchen Using porphyry stone cedar wood and steel 10.25.10

The Nuova Atelier Kitchen by Minotti is the kitchen design which taking minimalism to a whole new level, uses only natural materials to create an air of precisely ordered serenity. Minotti apply a simplistic and quite ingenious design in this kitchen. Here Minotti have created an imposing atmosphere and befitting a monastery. The Nuova Atelier kitchen is made of cool, composed natural stone which gives classic nuance in the kitchen.… Read More »