An interesting kitchen product is now released for you all. This Modern eco fridge with solar energy hangs on the external wall. This product is so cultural and is able to trigger off inspiration to design a product to be extension. As you know different place has different culture in case of window sill. For example in Chine the cool condition forces people to keep food outside the window to preserve it. This culture gives inspiration to Frenchman Nicolas to produce the4 item called external refrigerator.
The concept of this product is so simple yet modern. The great concept of this product is that when winter is coming up the low temperature help in conserving energy and keep the fridge items cold. Whereas when summer is coming up, the fridge got power from the solar energy harnessed via solar panels. This is really a great concept released by this product for you all who want everything is always on good and ready condition. that is Modern eco fridge with solar energy hangs on the external wall from
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