Italian Antique refrigerator Made in cherry wood Lebanese cedar and mahogany 11.16.10

By | November 16, 2010
Italian Antique refrigerator Made in cherry wood Lebanese cedar and mahogany

Italian Antique refrigerator Made in cherry wood Lebanese cedar and mahogany

If anything in the kitchen like Italian Antique refrigerator Modern look with glass shelves, and other fun details, such as portholes and claw foot legs, would certainly be that either! And believe us, even if they look old, there is absolutely nothing in the old refrigerator Meneghini.

Italian Antique refrigerators Made in cherry wood Lebanese cedar and mahogany

Italian Antique refrigerators Made in cherry wood Lebanese cedar and mahogany

Made in cherry wood, Lebanese cedar and mahogany are detailed refrigerators with solid brass handles, which are robust, that Italian Antique refrigerator shows timeless beauty. that is Italian Antique refrigerator Made in cherry wood Lebanese cedar and mahogany from

Italian Antique refrigerator Made in cherry woods Lebanese cedar and mahogany

Italian Antique refrigerator Made in cherry woods Lebanese cedar and mahogany

Italian Antique refrigerator Made in cherry wood Lebanese cedar and mahoganys

Italian Antique refrigerator Made in cherry wood Lebanese cedar and mahoganys